Friday, August 05, 2005

deadline is not a dirty word...

hi again,
well, it seems from some of the feedback that I've had, that using the "D" word has scared a few people....So I thought I'd remind you that all I need to know(by e-mail) by the 15th is that people are still keen to take part and your postal address so I can put you on the list and do a 'draw' so I can let you know who to send your collage 'stuff' to.
I thought I'd give you a timeline of how I envisage the project panning out, in case people need to know before they get involved...
15th August - I'll do a draw of names to allocate who'll be posting to whom
- I'll then post out an info sheet and your 'official' cut + post brown paper bag (expect it to be flashy people- no don't)
22nd August- hopefully everyone should have their info 'kit', and then you have 2 weeks to post your collage materials onto your allocated person
5th Sept- collage materials should have been recieved by all,( perhaps we can post a comment on here when you recieve your collage stuff and then we can all keep a track of how things are going..)
Then we have a month to get creative with what you've been given....
3rd Oct- send them on back to me, and I'll scan them on in and put them on a website, maybe this or a purpose built number, and keep them all together for future exhibition...if we're up for that- are we up for that?
So, what do you think, can it be done?
I don't mean to be too pedantic, just thought it'd be easier if we had a guideline for how things should go.- I'm more than open to ideas, suggestions etc....
Hope to hear from some of you soon....


At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Liss and fellow cut and pasterers,

Deadline, you know i love them (seriously, sorry). I think it is necessary as i wouldn't get my act together otherwise. I will follow up the couple of people i asked to be involved and get addresses in case they are as email slack as i am.
Great name.
I promise i won't send anyone pictures of Ethan (new son) to make collage out of. Neither will i send the ultrasound images. So don't be afraid.
All in all very excited about thinking about stuff other then baby and boobs.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was actually posted at 8.45am don't know which time zone we are operating in. Not that it matters just an observation by a mentally inflexible brain.


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